Well, if you're into sordid details, here goes:
- Back in 98, I married a crazy guy whom I shall call Pop. We're
icefreeze and fire. Like that toothpaste. - I've got 3 wonderful kids. (Don't we all? :) RG 12, Nana 8 and Kiki 4. For their protection, they will be using stage names.
- After working for 20 years with them, my company got sold. Happy about the event but felt a little lost after.
- I have a tiny food business that freezes my brain. It's still a going concern. Enough to supplement my toiletries and B budget. :p
- I work online to keep my mind from rusting away but the isolation is driving me nuts. 8 hours of no social interaction, just me and the PC!
- I rekindled my love for the written word so I don't have to go to therapy. I'm not gonna pay someone who will tell me what I already know.
Glad you were able to read up to here. I would have fallen asleep after the 2nd statement! Hahaha. I'll update this now and then. When I get flashbacks from my past life. Just keep coming back ok? Thanks much.
More about me:
- I'm a fledgling foodie. Cooking is an outlet of my inner angst. I know what I like. And I try to second-guess the ingredients of fabulously concocted dishes. But the secret is always in the sauce!
- I like driving. But I'm intensely disturbed by new cars which are soooo slow! Get off the inner lane you moron!
- I'm a 2-ply tissue person. I feel slighted if the tissue paper is mis-aligned.
- I give 5 bucks to guide-your-car-as-you-back-out boys. None if he seems like a rugby sniffer.
- A full-body massage is only second to BEER as a stress-reliever. Dancing takes the 3rd spot.
I'll add some more when the light goes on. Ciao!