Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I'm trying to do something. Until I figure out what it is, I will be suspended in time.

I tweeted that to a friend just a few hours ago. It is an apt description of my post meridiem today. I already did a hill of laundry. Sent off Kiki to her class. Fixed the room. Then my schedule just cleared! Well, at least for the next three hours. Like the ray of warm afternoon sun after two days of torrential rains and gusty winds. It's nice and balmy outside. The birds are chirping. I'm losing money in the online casino.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Different Beat

After a lifetime of waiting, my daughter Kiki finally got to perform at the CAP Building Auditorium. And was she ecstatic! Like a reaching for the stars thing. Being the youngest, Kiki usually trails after her older siblings since she learned how to walk. Always trying to squeeze in everything that they do. Wanting to be BIG so she can catch up with them too. And her lifelong ambition to date was to go onstage at CAP Auditorium like her Nana & RG did before.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Make Your Mom & Pop Proud

Ok. I try to avoid stage mom moments but there are just events that I have to preen like a proud peacock. Or pea-hen if you're gender sensitive. Like school report cards. I just have to share it lest I burst with joy!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Trial and Hairror

Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, 
but eventually you find a hair stylist you like. ~Author Unknown

This holds true to date in my entire career as a mom. The trip to the hair cutters were always nerve-wracking. Especially when the kids were younger. All three rendered their own versions of caterwauling on the first haircut. Whoever said that kids must have their first haircut right after the first birthday should be heavily fined. (Behind bars or burned at stake is too mean! :) Succeeding trips ranged from bribery, coercion to the downright threat of being grounded for 2 days! Grounded from tv and video games that is.