Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I'm trying to do something. Until I figure out what it is, I will be suspended in time.

I tweeted that to a friend just a few hours ago. It is an apt description of my post meridiem today. I already did a hill of laundry. Sent off Kiki to her class. Fixed the room. Then my schedule just cleared! Well, at least for the next three hours. Like the ray of warm afternoon sun after two days of torrential rains and gusty winds. It's nice and balmy outside. The birds are chirping. I'm losing money in the online casino.

Actually, I have a Friday deadline to beat but since I have 2 more days, why hurry indeed? So I hauled my butt out of the house for a breath of fresh air. It is a great day to procrastinate and smell the gumamela! Even if just in your front yard.

Taken without my gafas on. Clear man gale. Haha!
Sometimes we have to take a second look
to appreciate beauty just around us. :-)

Sheesh! With all that communing with nature, I missed the live telecast of Glee 3 at 4 pm! I hope it's way better than the lackluster season premiere last week. 

And I figured it out at 8:30 pm: You can actually do something by doing nothing!

Live. Like. Leaves!

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