While walking along the usual path of life, a rock made me stumble and almost fall. Letting out a string of expletives (that's !@#$%^&* when written) I kicked the offending piece of the earth's crust out of the way. It flipped under a shrub, and glinted! Strange. And curious. Of course, we know that That C (Curiosity! in case you didn't get it) has killed lots of cats before. But it didn't stop me from reaching for the mysterious glinting rock. And once my fingertips touched its jagged smoothness, it just have to roll away. Curiouser.
Proverbial Rock Under a Shrub |
So I parted the shrub, encountered a loose brick which actually triggered a catch-lock that opened the secret entrance in a hidden wall and when opened, revealed an old trodden path which has become less traveled due to the construction of a new circumferential road. Whew! Are you still with me at this point? Good. Where is the mystery rock. Still under the shrub. I have yet to pick it up. But since it opened a new door, would you a) pick up the rock and leave? b) venture a few meters down the path and leave? c) take an extended stroll and see where it brings you? The crossroads of life mini-series. And yes, this is getting too philosophical even for my own understanding.
Proverbial Rock Up Close |
Actually, I just wanted to apologize for the hiatus. I was busy setting up new blogs and changing careers. Never thought it would get me writing about life in an oblique manner. Many thanks for keeping this blog alive! Stay tuned for the next rockin' episode. :)
Live. Life. Lock on!
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